Monday, October 26, 2009

Yet another discussion about islam (sic)

US State Department report praises Jordan and other Islamic nations for progress in religious freedom

That report has to be written by a group of the most stupid people I've ever heard of. I'll give it to them, Jordan has done better than most of the Arab world in the idea of not fighting wars over religion, even though their laws on religion and blasphemy are poor, but Egypt is just not an example of progress on religious freedom at all. The Copts can't build new churches, expand old ones, they can't even suggest being allowed to proselytize or marry muslim women. And to think the Copts have lived in Egypt longer than the muslims, just like most nations in the Middle East. the Jews and Christians lived in the regions for hundreds, if not thousands of years, before the muslims came along and started forcefully converting people in the name of "allah." Not a single piece of territory currently known as "the islamic world" came about because of peaceful conversions. Every single piece of territory was once part of a great islamic empire. Christians lived in India and the Middle East with no such empires, only their own villages to protect themselves. I'm not saying Christians and Jews don't have blood on their hands either or are completely accepting, but the idea that any muslim nation can be complemented on religious freedom is a bunch of bullcrap. Christians were persecuted for hundreds of years without any protection, being put to death countless times, having to hide in catacombs and caverns in order to practice their beliefs. muhammad, death be upon him, was taken in by the Jews on the assumption that he would behave himself. Instead, he turned against the very people that took him in and protected him and put them to the sword, then proceeded to wreak havoc across the Arabian peninsula.

I could easily go on for longer and longer, but I'd rather not because I'd just be repeating my point over and over again.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama?! Peace Prize?!

I don't even know where to go from there. It saddens and angers me with a fiery passion. I don't know what was going through the heads of the Nobel committee. Morgan Tsvangirai is more deserving of that award, he finally put a lid, somewhat, on the power of crazy Robert Mugabe. I have yet to see Barack Obama actually get anything done, especially when it comes to peace. The Israelis and Iranians are at each others throats more than ever at the moment, the Taliban are making a comeback in Afghanistan, the Israelis are not very happy with Obama catering to the Palestinians then trying to force the Israelis to be the only ones who give up something in order to achieve a peace deal, and the very country he is president of is more divided then ever. Does this mean I can take a shit in a bag, say that bag loves peace and wants the Muslims to be happy, and then said shit deserves the peace prize? I don't think so. Saying words and doing actions are two completely different things. Alfred Nobel is rolling over in his grave.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Phantom of the Capitol Building

So, Charlie Rangel is still chair of the Weighs and Means Committee. Nancy Pelosi is still Speaker of the House. And Democrats overall still run Congress. I wonder how they would react to a Phantom living in Congress, haunting and terrorizing them and living in like catacombs where the old rivers and streams underneath DC reside. I think if someone could actually put things together, that could be an interesting novel. I'm not up to writing a book, unfortunately, but I wish someone could do that.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Poor, poor Ireland

The Irish voted just recently to ratify the Lisbon treaty, bringing them into a tighter treaty under the European Union. Now only 2 more nations, Poland and the Czech Republic, need to ratify the treaty for it to become binding to the nations which are party to it.

This is a dark dark day in the history of Ireland. Not 100 years ago did the Irish finally, FINALLY, get a nation of their own. They fought for centuries to free themselves of British rule. Countless lives died. Half the Irish died when Oliver Cromwell invaded and brutally subjugated the Irish to Puritan, i.e. English, rule. Now all that has been thrown down the toilet and flushed away. They have dishonored the Irish who fought to be able to rule themselves, to live free of bondage under a foreign nation. The Irish have always been a proud people. They were proud of having their own nation, even though it was dirt poor and backward compared to the rest of Western Europe.

This day, I am not proud of my ancestors, as they have not only cast away centuries of fighting for a nation they can call "home," but finally after receiving freedom, throwing that away not 100 years later. They voted "No" originally and that, I believe, was the Irish speaking for themselves truthfully. Now they vote "Yes" under the overwhelming push by wealthy Irish, the ruling government, and a foreign party. I only pray the Irish wake up and realize how they have disrespected their ancestors. Go mbeannai Dia Eire (God bless Ireland)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Well, I completely forgot about this...

If I only had something to blog about. It's not like I'm not doing anything, but out of classes, hanging out, and the occasional school club, there isn't much more for me to talk about. I should have kept this up during my internship last summer.

Either way, I'm back, hopefully for at least a few weeks, unless I forget. Which is probably going to happen.

One thing before I leave: Obama, you will bring ruin to us all. "Savior" my ass.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Coming back...hopefully

Well, I've been encouraged to start blogging again. Whether I remember to keep this up is a completely different story. Probably gonna end up blogging about MMA and the internship this summer.

Gonna be saweeeet!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

80's Music and More

I'm listening to 80's music as I write this, currently Def Leppard's "Pour some sugar on me." I also now have a second blog, Blogolan in Space, that I will be updating occasionally to stay updated on the modern space race, following NASA, and shuttle launches.